Trustin Timber and his thoughts on the Granberg Alaskan Mill
Today, we’re highlighting Granberg user Trustin Timber!
Originally a creative director in the fashion world, he was able to build what started as a side interest on Instagram, @trustintimber, to the point where he was able to start focusing full-time on creating Trustin Timber projects that highlighted products as well as developed relationships with companies that he personally believed in. Granberg International is honored to be one of those companies!
Trustin Timber uses the Granberg MKIV Alaskan Mill with a 30-inch bar. “Of course”, he notes, “you can get a bigger or smaller bar depending on the size of logs you’re milling.”
Another time-saving product that he’s enjoyed using recently is our Granberg EZ-rails. Granberg’s EZ-rails were developed with the goal of being a much more efficient tool than using a board or ladder, and of course, there’s nothing better than getting that perfectly smooth and level surface on the first cut.
As far as his thoughts on the importance of owning a Granberg Chainsaw Mill, Trustin Timber says, “Sometimes, you’ll have logs that are simply too big to take back to your home base. Having a portable chainsaw mill is the only way to make those cuts possible.”
Lastly, Trustin Timber leaves us with this – “Have patience when sawing and using your chainsaw mill. The most important thing is a smooth and consistent cut- the kind of cut that only comes with keeping that patience in check!”
For more on Trustin Timber’s work and projects, you can follow him on Instagram at @trustintimber or on his website at