User Highlight: Mark Luikart on paying for his Granberg with a table…
After a friend gave him a tip on an Ash log that was destined for the firewood pile, Mark Luikart headed on over with his Granberg to pick up what he had been told was a 36″ log. Little did he know, the old Ash was a giant – measuring in at 60″ on one end and 72″ on the opposite end. Employing all of their skills, Mark and his friend were able to roll the giant tree up on to his tilt trailer using only his Ditch Witch.

At first, the Ash Log was so big, Mark had to lay down planks over cement blocks just to reach close enough for the first cut.

The first cuts took about 7-8 minutes. Once he was about half way through, they took a break to sharpen and then went right back in for the finish.

Once done, Mark loaded the wood into his Solar Kiln and waited about three months before getting to work on this gorgeous Ash table.

Wouldn’t you know it, that one giant log paid for his Granberg Mill and his chainsaw! Crazy!! A bit of hard work, a little skill, and that’s all it took for Mark to see an immediate return on his investment. Great job, Mark!