Going Strong Since the 70’s

I bought one of your Alaskan MKII chainsaw mills in the late 70’s and it has been a great piece of equipment for a long time. I have most of the complete unit with a 54″ bar, oiler, and two man handle. I use it with a Stihl 090 and have cut some amazing lumber with it…for instance, 44″ wide slabs of live oak…It is truly a great addition to my tool inventory. I was involved in a major vehicle accident coming back from Colorado to Florida and I totaled a tool trailer which contained my prized MKII mill. The rear door was flung open and many of my tools were slung out along a 1/2 mile stretch of the highway during the night …including the MKII mill. I thought I had picked all the tools up, but I missed a few, including the top mount piece of the MKII mill. This is the piece that adjusts for the thickness of cut and clamps to the upright bars that are mounted on the chain bar. I did not realize that it was missing until I went to use it again and of course, that was a bad day. Anyway, It has taken me a while to find you, and I was hoping that you might have replacement parts for this great old mill. I have built log homes, furniture and cut a lot of custom woods with this mill in the past 25 or so years and it has always been one of my main tools. Please let me know if you can help me out or direct me to where I could find a replacement part.



Just call Granberg’s toll free phone number 866-233-6499

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